The I-Commercial Finance broker role (ICFD) is designed to support any person with a previous background in commercial/corporate financial services background, with a good connected professional network and seeking to take that lifetime of contacts and knowledge and add value to their clients.  

Again this is done under our brand and can be done as a full or part time basis and can align to any existing client business you may already run.

What do you get?

  • Initial Full Business Development planning session for 1 day, with regular quarterly updates

  • Website inclusion, Emails, Business cards, IT and Software support in company brand.

  • Compliance oversight with CPD monitoring and NACFB training modules.

  • Membership to group PI.

  • Lender panel access.

  • Bespoke and fully approved compliant processes and administration forms.

  • Ongoing “One to One” mentor-ship for all aspect of running your business and Property Finance and Trading Finance products and fact-finding.

  • Access to internal sector specific “Pre-Underwriting” and deal placement support.

  • Weekly strategy review and regular team meetings.


  • (ICFB) will be part of the bigger team working and supported under our brand.

  • Ongoing support through Mentor-ship, process and compliance.

  • Vast experience of core team to guide you on your journey.

  • Ability to increase earnings as you expand your skills.


  • Monthly management fee £300

  • 70% of any Gross Fees from each transaction as they are received.